Hygge and the Role "Comfy" Plays in Families

Hygge and the Role "Comfy" Plays in Families

Posted by Lazy One on 26th May 2023

Hygge is a big part of what we do here at LazyOne. No, that’s not a typo! “Hygge”—pronounced hue-guh—is the Danish word used to describe the special feeling of coziness and contentment. Hygge isn’t something you can buy, but rather, it’s an experience that you’ve already had in your life. You know that feeling when you’re sitting in the living room with a fresh cup of coffee watching the falling rain or the sun rise?  

That’s hygge! That’s what we’re all about – those special moments that bring about hygge with your family. So, what is hygge really all about? How can you bring hygge into your home? Here’s everything you need to know about this Danish word and how wonderful it can be when actively embraced in your home with your family.


In Denmark, hygge is incredibly important in everyday life. Take a trip there and you’ll be blown away with the emphasis the Danes place on all things cozy. You see, hygge was created in the early 1800s to offset the cold and darkness of Denmark’s brutal winters. This was their way of making daily life feel special and memorable. Hygge, stemming from the Norwegian word for “well-being”, is used as a way of life for the Danes. It’s drawn praise from the UK as well as the US, with many replicating the everyday practices that are seen in Denmark. Search for hygge online and you’ll find tons of articles showcasing how people have incorporated it into their homes.

There are many things that are considered “hyggelig”, or hygge-like. Cozy fireplaces, soft blankets, hot drinks, candles, warm socks, baked goods, and even pajamas are all example of hygge. These things evoke feelings of relaxation and contentment, whereas things like isolating yourself with your phone in hand is the opposite of hygge. The gestures for hygge aren’t grand, either. Something as simple as a fresh batch of homemade cookies for an afternoon treat with your kids is an example of hygge. The super fancy pantsy meal with expensive ingredients steps away from the quaint feelings that make hygge so extraordinary. It’s all about intention and feeling the moment with your family. We get it – it’s easy to be consumed with all the to-dos for work and around the house! Hygge asks that you simply put those things on pause and find joy in the moment.

All in all, hygge celebrates the domestic life, changing the common viewpoint of it as mundane and instead believing home life to be something to savor. It’s easy to incorporate hygge into your home. For instance, make a family night technology-free and instead whip up some tasty hot drinks like hot chocolate, teas, or even crafty coffee beverages. Take the time to bake some of your kids’ favorite holiday treats and enjoy them together after dinner. Pick out a new candle and intentionally enjoy it, whether you sit by it to read a favorite book or something else you enjoy doing. This is why we love hygge! It doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy loads of new things, but instead, enjoy quality time with yourself and family.


If anyone knows cozy, it’s us! To some, we may seem like just a pajama company. However, we’re so much more than that. We believe in the power of family time and how important it is to make memories with your kids while they’re still young. Family traditions matter! When you look back years later, you’ll want to remember those seemingly mundane weekdays as some of the most special moments of your life. That’s what we love about our pajamas.

With matching family pajamas for every member of your family (including your furry friends!), we celebrate the magic of hygge. Getting your kids and pets together on Christmas morning is a feeling unlike any other, so why not make it even more memorable with comfortable PJs? They’re funny and put smiles on your kids’ faces. Even long after the holidays have passed, our pajamas will continue to make mornings and lazy days feel like quality time.

We also offer other hyggelig items like Sherpa blankets, long johns, bathrobes, warm slippers, cute stuffed animals, drinkware, and so much more. Baby can join in with our creepers, rompers, and infant socks. You can even find oven mitts and pot holders that make your kitchen all the more hyggelig. Let the kids leave dad handwritten notes with our super cute and funny sticky pads or let them get create all on their own with our spiral notebooks while you sit down with a good book in the afternoon. Hygge is all about intention, and we make it simple to bring into your home.

The Danes have known about the true benefits of hygge for centuries. Matching pajamas is one way that you can bring a whole new meaning to days that would otherwise feel boring. With super soft fabrics and funny themes, our pajamas and other items can really bring warmth and happiness to your home. Give hygge a try this season by spending more time with the family and doing so with intention. If you have a typically busy household, this can help everyone pause to connect and enjoy the time together without an agenda. Get your hygge on and browse our huge selection of adult, kids, baby, and pet pajamas today!