5 Ways to Make Distance Learning Work for Your Kids

5 Ways to Make Distance Learning Work for Your Kids

Posted by Lazy One on 26th May 2023

The pandemic has turned our world upside down. But we aren't the only ones who need to adapt. Our kiddos also need to accept the "new normal."    

Kids had to replace their school desks and bustling learning environment for home and solitude. While distance learning helps keep our kids safe, we mustn’t forget about their feelings and former habits.

If you wish to make learning in this peerless and remote teacher environment easier, you are in the right place. Try out the following few ways that should help your kids adapt to distance learning.


Habits help kids create a familiar environment. When they have a routine that turns into a habit, they won't be resistant to more difficult things such as learning.

For example, you can set a routine that there is no playing until you are finished with school. Instead of rising in protest every day, they'll be more willing to adopt this as a habit and will focus on schoolwork during the set time because they’ll know that playing comes next.


Allow your kids to have that school-feel by setting up a “learning corner” in your home. You don’t need to go all out a make a classroom-like study place. All you need is to designate a certain area for learning.

This can be hard if you have a full house. However, try to work something out with other family members to allow your kid to learn in peace.

Even a dining room table set up with their books and school supplies will work. The only crucial thing is that you separate a playing area and learning area.


The positive side of distance learning is that your kid can often get more personalized attention because the teaching environment for many schools allows for more one on one communication with teachers.

Do your best to personalize the learning based on your child’s preferences and interests. Discover whether they like to learn in silence or with some light background music. Explore if they are visual or auditory learners. Ask them about their interests and connect those interests to the lessons.

Every child is unique, this is your chance, as a parent, to tweak the learning experience and make it suitable for your particular little learner.

If you aren’t the creative type, don’t despair. You can check out academic writers online reviews and find a writer who can help you come up with modified lessons that incorporate your kid’s interests.


The daily schedule works well for both the child and the parent. You'll have an overview of your kid's activities, and your kid will have balanced out days.

The schedule should include learning time, homework time, mealtime, free time, and time for hobbies. The beauty of a daily schedule is that it helps organize your kids’ days to make this new “home at all times” situation less hard.

Dr. Neil Gupta created a practical daily schedule for kids that you can edit, so feel free to use that template. Once you fill out the daily schedule, put it on the fridge or any other visible place. This can be a great practice of self-management for your as they follow this daily schedule.


Too much sitting and staring at the screen can do your kids a lot of harm. Both physically and mentally.

According to a study, more hours of daily screen time are associated with lower psychological well-being, including:

  • less curisoity
  • lower self-control
  • more distractibility
  • inability to finish tasks

Learning from home is no excuse for a lack of physical activity. Our little energy balls need to run around, play outside, and get sweating if we want to have their attention when the time for learning comes.

Make some room in your daily schedule for physical activity, whether that’s dancing, football, playing tag outside, or whatever your kids love.

Hopefully, these tips will shed light on how to make distance learning easier for your children. But before we wrap up, let me leave you with one last tip – have patience. This isn't easy for you or your kid. However, if you have patience and understanding, you'll make it work.

About the author: Daniela McVicker is a professional blogger and freelance writer. She’s currently occupied with creating content for educational websites including Alltopreviews.com where students can find useful guides and reviews of learning platforms.