5 Ideas for Father's Day (instead of giving him a boring tie)

5 Ideas for Father's Day (instead of giving him a boring tie)

Posted by Lazy One on 16th May 2023

Father’s Day is just around the corner! Now, you could give Dad a tie or give him a tool, but maybe it’s time to break away from cliché and really tell your pop he’s tops! Here are a few ideas:

1- A well-earned lazy morning: Give Dad a break and let him sleep in! To go the extra mile, make a special breakfast and bring it to him in bed.

2- Kid pictures: Hand drawn pictures are always a heartfelt gift, so have your kids draw a picture of Dad or answer fun prompts about his favorite things. (Note: the younger the kid, the funnier the answers!)

3- Road trip: There’s nothing wrong with a good, old-fashioned drive—especially to one of Dad’s favorite places. So load up the car, hit the road, and spend time together as a family!

4- Special dinner: They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so pull out all the stops for a Father’s Day dinner. Fix him his favorite foods, and have the kids help! Oh ya, and don’t skip dessert!

5- BBQ: If your dad likes a good cookout, give him a new apron and make him the king of the grill! Let him show off his grilling talents, and enjoy some time outside with your family!

Happy Father’s Day to all of the wonderful men in our lives!