Starting New Christmas Traditions
Posted by LazyOne on 24th Nov 2023
The holidays are a time to be merry! Whether you have excited younger children still relishing the magic of the season or somewhat grumpy teens reluctant to join in on the fun, making memories is a priority for any parent as they face the holiday season head-on. The best way to make memories is to form traditions your family will always cherish. When starting new Christmas traditions, you may need a few ideas to get the festivities kicked off. We have a few ideas and tips to make starting new Christmas traditions a fa la la la fun time!
While we all love taking our little ones to see Santa and getting that adorable picture to send the extended family, getting teens to go for this tradition is a downright fight of un-festive-ness.
It is important to choose traditions that will grow and age with your family so you can keep doing it year after year. Take the kids to Santa when they are little, but also start other traditions you know they will still love even as teens and adults later on.

- WEAR MATCHING JAMMIES This is one of the coziest and easiest holiday traditions to start with your family! Whether you are a family of three just starting out or a big brood always growing, Christmas pajamas are always a treat for everyone.
- KEEP IT FUN No one wants to participate in a tradition that is boring or downright dreadful. Something as simple as singing a couple holiday songs or wearing matching pajamas can lighten the mood amid the stressful holiday season. If your family likes seeing a new holiday movie each year at the theater while wearing Matching Holiday Pajamas and Christmas PJs in public, go for it! Whatever your family likes to do for fun, try to find ways to incorporate that in your Christmas traditions. If your family is competitive and likes games, create a family tradition of card games or board games hosted in a tournament style. This can bring out a fun, competitive spirit and a chance to claim the title of reigning champ for the whole year! The key is to keep it fun so everyone will want to join in.
- KEEP IT SIMPLE The holidays are hectic. This fact alone may be enough to burst any bubble and turn even a festive fan into a Scrooge. When it comes to choosing traditions to start for this already crazy time of year, it is best to keep it simple. You don’t want to add to your holiday stress by trying to plan a super involved tradition that becomes more hassle than fun for your family. It is best to just keep it simple!
You can give them to the family on Thanksgiving so they can wear them the whole festive season or give them as early presents on Christmas Eve to wear on the big morning. However you decide to do it, this is a fun and festive tradition, plus the funny photos will last a lifetime.
Creative Ideas For Holiday Traditions Together
If you have extended family and friends you want to include in your holiday memory-making, here is a short list of 3 ideas for events and activities at your next holiday party or get-together.
- HOST A FAMILY AND FRIENDS POTLUCK: The holidays are the perfect time to gather with those you love and enjoy a good meal. An easy way to share the burden of holiday cooking or baking is to host a potluck night as a tradition. This means everyone brings a favorite dish or baked good which results in less work for the host. You can also do this on a smaller scale with family members. Have kids help out by learning to prep and mix, or cook a favorite dish. Let each child choose a different dish for the family to share! Each year they can choose to master a new recipe or stick with a signature dish of their own so everyone stays involved in this tradition for a fun holiday meal.
- HAVE A HOT COCOA NIGHT: Is there anything better than snuggling up with hot cocoa by the Christmas tree? Make it a family holiday tradition by having an annual cocoa night in party with the family! You can make this night special by setting up a hot cocoa station complete with a few different flavors of cocoa and different marshmallows. Salted caramel hot chocolate, anyone? Oh, and don’t forget a few cookies to go along with the cocoa bar!
- TAKE A FAMILY PICTURE IN THE SAME SPOT OR POSE EACH YEAR: Whether your family likes to check out a local light show each year or gather around the tree for a family picture, taking a picture in the same spot or same pose each year is a great tradition for any family. Seeing your family grow and age through the years in photos is memorable and impactful. Imagine seeing the same space framed, comparing photos year after year and seeing how much everything has changed.

These are just a few easy and fun Christmas traditions your family could start this year. The possibilities are endless as you think of new ways to add holiday cheer to your season with a fun new tradition. Share your Christmas traditions and matching family pajama photos with us each year, we look forward to seeing what traditions your family has!